Friday 22nd January 2021

Happy Friday! Well done for your enthusiasm and engagement this week, keep it going! Here is today’s learning, please ensure you are logged into Teams ready for the start of your live lessons. If you have any questions, send your teacher a message on Class Dojo.

9am – Celebration Assembly

9:30am – LIVE Reading lesson – Today we will be reading Chapter 6 of Coraline and using our retrieval skills to answer questions.

10:15am – BREAK

10:40am – LIVE Maths lesson

11:50am – PiXL – Use the times tables app to practise your 6x table

12pm – LUNCH

1:10pm – LIVE Science lesson – Today we will be planning the next two paragraphs for our non-chronological report.

2:10pm – Thrive – Learn a new skill and teach it to someone at home! It could be some phrases from a new language, a new recipe or even a song or dance.

2:45pm – End of day catch up – Join your class on Teams to share what you have done in Thrive today or tell everyone something positive that has happened this week. We can’t wait to hear from you!

3pm – End of day – Please upload your Science and Thrive learning today.

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