Monday 25th January

Welcome to week 4 – we hope you had a restful weekend and were able to enjoy some time outside in the sunshine. Links to today’s live lessons are on your teams calendar. Please make sure you log on a couple of minutes before the start of the lesson. Remember the chat should only be used to respond to the teacher.

Today you will upload your reading and science work. The answers to today’s maths will be available from 3:15pm this afternoon.

9:00am – whole school assembly

9:30 Live lesson – Reading Today we will read chapter 7 of Coraline and explore the author’s use of imagery.

10:15 break

10:40 Live lesson maths Multiplying 2 digit by 2 digit numbers

11:50 Pixl Maths Use the Pixl app to practice your 6 x tables

12:00 Lunch

1:10 Live Science Lesson – writing our 2 paragraphs.

2:15 PE – Select an activity from the choices below

2:45 Reading for pleasure. Please upload your reading log if you have not already done so for last week

3:00 End of the Day

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