Friday 29th January

HAPPY FRI-YAY! Well done for making it to the end of the week, we are very proud of your hard work and engagement this week.

Today we would like you to upload your science and Thrive learning to Class Dojo.

9am – Celebration Assembly

9:15am – Use this time to finish any work you need to complete and respond to your teacher’s feedback on your Dojo portfolio posts.

9:30am – LIVE Reading lesson – Today we will be reading the first part of Chapter 9.

10:15am – BREAK

10:40am – LIVE Maths lesson – Answers for the independent activity will be posted at 3pm.

11:50am – PiXL – Use the times tables app to practise your 6x tables.

12pm – LUNCH

1:10pm – LIVE Science lesson – Today we will be writing the last two paragraphs for our non-chronological report.

2:15pm – Thrive – Use the rest of the day to create some rainbow art, you could use items around the house, paint, colouring pencils or any other resources you have available. We would like you to write your hopes and aspirations around the outside of your rainbow.

2:45pm – LIVE End of day story / catch up – Use this time to share something positive with your class.

3pm – End of day – Enjoy your weekend!

Don’t forget to mark your maths answers and upload your science and Thrive learning!

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