Friday 26th February

Welcome to today’s learning. If you have any questions, please send Miss Payne or Mrs McLeod a message on Class Dojo.

9am – Celebration Assembly

9:15am – LIVE Maths

10:15am – BREAK

10:40am – LIVE Reading

11:30am – Thrive

12pm – LUNCH

12:50pm – Times Tables – Use the PiXL app to practise your times tables.

1:10pm – PE – Choose a ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ session to follow on YouTube.

2pm – History

2:45pm – Gem Time Spend some time doing an activity you enjoy, you deserve some well deserved fun after a busy week!

3pm – End of Day


Today we would like you to upload your Thrive and history learning to your Class Dojo portfolio. Please make sure your work is presented as neatly as possible.

Live Lessons

To log in to live lessons, you need to use Outlook to access Teams. The format for email addresses and passwords are:

If you have a double-barrelled surname, the first part only is used for the surname in the email address.

The password is your initials in capital letters and the date of birth DDMMYY (no spaces or / needed).

Please make sure you arrive on time for your live lessons with your camera and microphone switched off.

Only use the chat function to ask a question about the learning or respond to a question from the teacher.

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