Tuesday 2nd March

Hello Year 5 and welcome to Tuesday’s learning! Today is Inquisitive Classrooms which means Mrs Roch and Mrs Rogers will be teaching you. If you have any questions or issues throughout the day, please send them a message on Class Dojo.

Please make sure you are signed on to Teams for a 9am start. Invites have been sent to your accounts, the lesson link will also be in your Teams calendar. Please remember to keep your camera and microphone off unless you are responding to a question.

Please log in to Teams at the following times today – 9am, 10:45am, 1:10pm and 2:30pm.

Here are the slides and links for today:




If you have any spare time throughout the day, please do the following activities:

1. Read to an adult at home and log it in your reading record

2. Use the PiXL times tables and Unlock app to practise your times tables and vocabulary

3. Respond to any comments from your teacher on your portfolio posts

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