Term 3 Week 1 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.

Talking homework
What makes a great storyteller?

Teaching Oracy: What Is Oracy and Why Should You Teach It?
Maths and Grammar

Choose the level which is best for you from the maths and grammar activities. This can be printed out at home or written down with a photo of the completed work sent to your teacher on ClassDojo. Alternatively, you can type the answers directly into a message on your ClassDojo portfolio page.

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