Spring Half Term Homework 19th February – 27th February

We want you to keep your brains ticking over so we have prepared a few activities that you should find fun and engaging.

Remember that during the break you are still expected to read at least three times and record this in your reading records. Use of the PiXL mental maths app is also expected.

Talking homework

Discuss the following: What does respect mean to you? Think about what is expected at school and consider what you have learnt from the ClassDojo Big Idea sessions.


Practise your art skills in preparation for week 1 of next term..


Fan Fiction

Your challenge is to write a story based on a book, video game, TV show, Movie or comic that you love.
Use this web page to help you get started.
Include the grammar features that you have learnt in school and think carefully about who your audience will be.


Complete the reasoning questions. You don’t need to do them all at once.

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