Wednesday 27th January

Good morning Year 5 – we hope you had a great day with your inquisitive classrooms learning yesterday. Here is today’s timetable and links to resources. Remember to be on time for your live lessons and please be brave and get involved in the learning either by responding in the chat or by putting your hand up. Today can you upload your revised paragraphs for science and your marked maths work. (answers will be on wordpress from 3:15pm).

9:00 Assembly

9:30 Live lesson – Reading Coraline chapter 8 part 1.

10:15 Break

10:30 PE choose either a Cosmic Kids Yoga or Just Dance activity from YouTube.

11:30 Pixl times tables practise your x tables

11:45 Pixl Unlock develop your vocabulary

12:00 Lunch

1:10pm – Science Live Lesson – Edit and revise our paragraphs. Please upload your revised paragraphs to your Class Dojo portfolio.

2:10pm – Maths live lesson using the grid method to multiply. The answers will be published on WordPress at 3:15pm. Please upload your work to your Class Dojo portfolio once you have marked it.

3:00pm – End of day

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