Monday 12th July 2021

9am – LIVE Assembly – Please make sure cameras and microphones are switched off. The Teams link will be posted on our Class Dojo story.

9:15am – Reading Comprehension – Euro 2020/21

9:45am – Times Tables – Please use the PiXL app to practise your times tables.

10:15am – BREAK

10:45am – LIVE Science

Orange Class – As you have already written your paragraph in school, please use this time to experiment with dissolving. Use the document below to guide you through having a go with both hot and cold water. Remember that, except for what you are changing, everything else needs to stay the same (number of stirs, time, amount of material etc.)

12pm – LUNCH

1pm – LIVE Maths

2pm – PE – Choose an activity on YouTube to follow (Just Dance or Kids Yoga)

2:45pm – LIVE End of day story

3pm – End of day – Please remember to upload your learning to your Class Dojo portfolio

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