Term 3 Week 2 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.

Talking homework
What is Growth Mindset and why is it important?

Teaching Oracy: What Is Oracy and Why Should You Teach It?
Maths and Grammar

Choose the level which is best for you from the maths and grammar activities. This can be printed out at home or written down with a photo of the completed work sent to your teacher on ClassDojo. Alternatively, you can type the answers directly into a message on your ClassDojo portfolio page.

Term 3 Week 1 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.

Talking homework
What makes a great storyteller?

Teaching Oracy: What Is Oracy and Why Should You Teach It?
Maths and Grammar

Choose the level which is best for you from the maths and grammar activities. This can be printed out at home or written down with a photo of the completed work sent to your teacher on ClassDojo. Alternatively, you can type the answers directly into a message on your ClassDojo portfolio page.

Term 2 Week 6 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.

Talking homework
What is oracy and why is it essential?

Teaching Oracy: What Is Oracy and Why Should You Teach It?

Maths and Grammar

This can be printed out at home or written down with a photo of the completed work sent to your teacher on ClassDojo. Alternatively, you can type the answers directly into a message on your ClassDojo portfolio page.


Here are the spellings for this week.
Change these words into the noun version

Term 2 Week 5 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.

Talking homework
Discuss the question: What do you know about space?

Maths and Grammar

This can be printed out at home or written down with a photo of the completed work sent to your teacher on ClassDojo. Alternatively, you can type the answers directly into a message on your ClassDojo portfolio page.


Here are the spellings for this week.
Change these words into the noun version

Term 2 Week 4 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.

Talking homework

Discuss the question: What have you done towards your Summerhill Community Award and what are you planning on doing.

Maths and Grammar

This can be printed out at home or written down with a photo of the completed work sent to your teacher on ClassDojo. Alternatively, you can type the answers directly into a message on your ClassDojo portfolio page.


Here are the spellings for this week.

Term 2 Week 3 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.

Talking homework

Discuss the question: What does it mean to be kind?

Maths and Grammar

This can be printed out at home or written down with a photo of the completed work sent to your teacher on ClassDojo. Alternatively, you can type the answers directly into a message on your ClassDojo portfolio page.

Term 2 Week 2 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.

Talking homework

Discuss the question: How can racism be eradicated?

Maths and Grammar

This can be printed out at home or written down with a photo of the completed work sent to your teacher on ClassDojo. Alternatively, you can type the answers directly into a message on your ClassDojo portfolio page.

Term 2 Week 1 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.
Well done to Zakariya who came 4th in the country last week.

Talking homework
Discuss the question: What is Art? Can you agree upon a definition with your family?

Maths and Grammar

This can be printed out at home or written down with a photo of the completed work sent to your teacher on ClassDojo. Alternatively, you can type the answers directly into a message on your ClassDojo portfolio page.

Term 1 Week 6 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.
Well done to Zakariya who came 4th in the country last week.

Talking homework
We have been learning of the legacy of Augustus Caesar.
Explain to your family what legacy he left behind and choose your top three most important things.

Term 1 Week 5 Homework

Year 5 Homework expectations

The non-negotiable homework expectations are as follows:
– Read at least 3 times per week, keeping your reading record updated.
– Timestables practice using the PiXL app at least 3 times a week (https://appusers.pixl.org.uk/mentalmaths/login.php)
– Talking homework. Discuss the topic of the week at home.
Well done to Zakariya who came 4th in the country last week.

Talking homework
Next week marks the start of our Roman topic.
Talk to your family, could you have survived in ancient Rome?
Watch this video to gain some more context for your discussion.

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